SMASHING PUMPKINS: 'That's The Way (My Love Is)' Video Available

August 29, 2007

SMASHING PUMPKINS' video for the song "That's The Way (My Love Is)" has been released and can be viewed below. The track comes off the group's latest album, "Zeitgeist", which sold 145,000 copies in the United States during its first week of release to debut at position No. 2 on The Billboard 200 chart.

The CD contains the first new music under the PUMPKINS banner since frontman Billy Corgan disbanded the group in late 2000.

Corgan and Chamberlin are the only original PUMPKINS members in this lineup, which introduces new guitarist Jeff Schroeder, bassist Ginger Reyes and keyboardist Lisa Harriton. None of them played on the album, however.

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